Can artificial intelligence replace lawyers directly providing legal consulting services for Clients?

ASIA LEGAL | English Speaking Day

Time: 11:00 AM | Friday, April 15, 2022

Topic: Can artificial intelligence replace lawyers in providing legal consulting services directly to Clients?

To exchange knowledge and improve English skills, Asia Legal organised the weekly Speaking Event on April 15, 2022, with the main topic: “Can artificial intelligence replace lawyers directly providing legal consulting services for Clients?”.

The Legal Associates of Asia Legal had an exciting discussion on this topic. Opinions were presented and discussed enthusiastically by Representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Law Firms, Technology Corporations and Clients. In the Industrial Revolution 4.0, it is undeniable that the involvement of AI in providing legal services has increased efficiency and accuracy.

However, the legal consulting service is a specific profession, and there are several conditions required for the consultants to be satisfied. Therefore, by the end of the Speaking Event, we agreed that in the future, there might be a possibility for the replacement of AI to lawyers directly providing legal consulting services for Clients, but only with simple consulting activities. However, for the more difficult ones, the consulting role of lawyers is irreplaceable, and AI would then support them to bring the best quality value to Clients.


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