Duration of the investment project

The operation duration of the investment project is recorded on the Investment Registration Certificate. Depending on the location of the investment project, the field of investment, the investment capital, the project will be determined by the investment licensing authority for its operation duration, but not exceeding the following period:

  1. Investment projects inside an economic zone shall not exceed 70 years.
  2. investment projects outside an economic zone shall not exceed 50 years. The duration of a project in a disadvantaged area or extremely disadvantaged area or a project with large investment capital but with slow rate of capital recovery may be longer but shall not exceed 70 years.

If a project uses land allocated or leased by the State, but the transfer of land is delayed, the delay shall not be included in the project duration or execution schedule.

The duration of the project will be considered and decided by the investment registration authority, on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the project's aspects and feasibility. Foreign investment projects in Vietnam are relatively classified into two groups: production projects and service trade projects. In which, investment projects with the operational objective of producing goods, need to invest in lines, equipment and machinery, the operation duration of the granted project will normally be longer than other commercial projects, services. In addition, a number of criteria are considered by the investment registration agency when deciding on the operation duration of the project including: investment location, investment scale, encouraged investment fields, investment projects using land, capital recovery period, ...

Upon expiry of the duration of an investment project, if the investor wishes to keep executing the investment project and satisfies the conditions as prescribed by law, the duration of the investment project may be renewed but shall not exceed the maximum prescribed in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, except for the following investment projects:

a) Investment projects using obsolete technology, potentially causing environmental pollution or natural-resource intensive projects;

b) Investment projects in which the investor must transfer assets without refund to the State of Vietnam or the Vietnamese side.


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